Major Moony


Set: Sparklies

Cosmic Loony

Probably the soppiest Moshlings in the swooniverse, Cosmic Loonies enjoy scoffing space dust while orbiting the Way-Outer-Sphere in their rubber rings. Moshlingologists assume that these folks hail from the planet Symphonia but when these dim-witted globes visit Monstro City they can't stop saying Roger that's and poking cocktail stick flags in their heads. It's one giant leap for MoshiKind...backwards!


Likes: Crazy golf and slow motion ballet. Dislikes: Vacuum packed Oobla Doobla and pesky gravity.

Code to catch Major Moony

Pink Snap ApplePink Snap AppleMoon Orchid
It is unknown where exactly they came from but isn't Monstro City, that's for sure.