Calvin Crime


Set: Swindilies

Jean Fool

Ever had a fancy coat or shirt that just wasn't up to scratch? It was probably made by a Jean Fool! These cunning little critters spend their time forging fake versions of Monstro City's favourite brands and selling them for discount prices in shady allies. Clueless monsters think they've had a bargain until they get home and the clothing rips to shreds before they even unbox them! They have longtime grudges with top end fashion designers for being denied showcases in fashion shows. Why is that? Hmm.


Likes: Thin cotton and mass production. Dislikes: Copyright laws and a quality fit.

Code to catch Calvin Crime

Red Moon OrchidBlack Magic BeansBlack Star Blossom
Head to the Marketplace and you'll find these shifty Moshlings taking notes in the darkest corners. They often fake their identities to enter fashion shows too.