

Set: Parties

Cheeky Squeaky

These silly Moshlings may seem like nothing more than a barrel of laughs but behind the smile is a serious dedication to their craft. Baby Moshlings all around the world of Moshi adore the performances of Squeaky Cheekies. They're often seen in Glump rehabilitation centres bringing smiles and joy to those who need it most. For a long time it was assumed that these Moshlings were members of the Smilies set but recent research indicates that they have always been the life of parties.


Likes: Unicycles and Abstract Artistes. Dislikes: Piping hot pies and cheap mascara.

Code to catch Clarence

Yellow Crazy DaisyBlue Magic BeansBlack Hot Silly Pepper
When they're not performing at the Cirque Du Moshi they can often be found at baby monster parties.