Pixel-Munching Snaffler
Aargh! Curse those pesky cursors! These pixel-scoffing Moshlings look innocent enough, but the second they spot a pointy arrow, it's history. Experts believe they find cursors really annoying - like flies flittering around their heads. But seeing as they can't swat them (they've got no arms, let alone rolled-up newspapers) they gobble them. Ulp!
Likes: Power surges and tickly pickles. Dislikes: Delete keys and nifty mouse-operators.
Code to catch I.G.G.Y.
![Black Moon Orchid](https://cdn.moshionline.net/moshlings/seeds/44.webp)
![Purple Crazy Daisy](https://cdn.moshionline.net/moshlings/seeds/48.webp)
![Purple Crazy Daisy](https://cdn.moshionline.net/moshlings/seeds/48.webp)
You'll occasionally spot a Pixel-Munching Snaffler trapped in a hedge, but they usually whoosh in from mysterious portals in cyberspace, called Aargates.