

Set: Dinos

Rummaging Plotamus

Unlike regular Plotamususes, Rummaging Plotamususes are obsessed with digging for fluffles - valuable toadstools that smell of apricots. These gentle Moshlings knit fluffles into nests which they hibernate in for most of the year. When they're not snoozing, Plotamususes love gardening (well, digging up dirt) and gossip.


Likes: Reading gossip blogs and walkie talkies. Dislikes: Gossipy Moshlings and tall garden fences.

Code to catch Doris

Black Moon OrchidMoon OrchidMoon Orchid
Rummaging Plotamususes live anywhere there are fluffles to be found (usually under trees), so Friendly-Tree Woods is a popular hangout.