Prof. Purplex


Set: Birdies

Owl of Wiseness

Banned by every library and bookstore in the land, Owls of Wiseness are brainier than big brain pies with extra brain sprinkles. Able to digest an entire encyclopedia in ten seconds, these birdy boffins have a real appetite for knowledge - literally, because they will scoff any book they see. If you spot one, hide your comics - pictures are worth a thousand words. Urp!


Likes: Books, newspapers and plinky toy pianos. Dislikes: Stupidity and bowler hats.

Code to catch Prof. Purplex

Pink Love BerriesYellow Moon OrchidDragon Fruit
Owls of Wiseness can be found high in the trees of Wobbly Woods. They dont't like being disturbed and only leave the branches if they run out of reading/nibbling material.