

Set: Salties

Whimsical Whale

Being a rubbish swimmer is a pain in the blubber when you're a Whimsical Whale, so thank goodness these jovial Moshlings wear armbands. But why are they so obsessed with joining the Moshi Navy? Perhaps it's the uniforms and jaunty hats? Whatever it is, they can't help whistling naval salutes via their blowholes. T-toooot!


Likes: Semaphore and temporary tattoos. Dislikes: Seasickness and heavy anchors.

Code to catch Lubber

Blue Moon OrchidYellow Hot Silly PepperCrazy Daisy
Look in the paddling pools near Bleurgh Beach and you’ll probably see a few of these breezy Moshlings splashing about having a whale of a time.