6th February 2025



From our team to everyone, we wish you a great 2024! Thank you for playing and joining us. We went online to the public on May 28th, 2023.


400,000 minigames played 🎮

220,000 items owned

100,000 mystery gifts sent 🎁

82,000 codes redeemed

65,000 pinboard messages sent 🗒

45,000 friends added

42,000 moshlings owned


We updated our electron application to v2.0.0, which is just a QOL update which fixes the following:

Fixes not being able to use keybinds on other windows when electron is active

Edit menu (Reload, Clear Cache)

New keybind 'CTRL/CMD+r' to reload

Alert if a request status is 500, please email us if this happens!

Username in Discord RPC

Electron bumped


it is recommended to update by going here but is your choice. This was updated on Dec 26, 2023, so if you joined us after that date. You're fine! As always we publicly host the source code of our client on github.

More information on what Ruffle is. Developer's note:

Ruffle, a Flash emulator, functions on both client and server sides. If the parent site lacks it, you can install it as a web extension so that website works. However, once this game works better on ruffle, I'll include it natively on the server, eliminating the need for a browser extension! The last post was clarification for those with the web extension already wondering why they couldn't play the game.

Check out this demo page at https://moshionline.net/ruffle; it's a native Ruffle demo where flash objects are rendered. The best part? You can view it on any device! Pretty cool, huh? I hope that clears things up as we have gotten confused emails. Play with the demo a little bit. 😉

In short, there's no need to install anything once it's included natively!

Lastly huge updates are coming soon! They should start rolling out soon, we're taking our sweet time because these are the biggest ones we've done!


As always, keep your eyes peeled!

Roary Scrawl Signature

Commenting will be a feature soon!